Espoon pelimannit – Esbo spelmanslag

Espoon pelimannit – Esbo spelmanslag is a good-humoured and presentable folkmusic band from Espoo, whose groovy playing style is well known even outside the metropolitan area. The group is in great demand as a dance orchestra at various events, and the atmosphere goes through the roof latest when the orchestra’s resident visiting lead singer Elina Sauri takes the floor.

Besides traditional and energetic folk- and dance music, the band also plays classic ball room dances. The orchestra has all the key instruments used in folk music. The beat is guaranteed by multiple violins, accordions, clarinets, mandolins, guitars, contrabasses, and drums. The band consist of about 20 artists but when needed smaller ensembles can be arranged.

Espoon Pelimannit participated in Finnish folk music championship for bands in 2005 and 2007. In both years the orchestra was voted as the winner. The band has contributed to several recordings during its 30 years of existence but its first own CD ”Tanssitaanko? ”Tanssitaanko? – Får jag lov?” was released in 2005. The new Album Brunskärs toner is released in Summer 2018.

Esbo Spelmanslag was established at the workers’ institute of Espoo, and still operates under it.
Mr. Pekka Pentikäinen (Master of Arts, Music) is responsible for the artistic level in the band. Other operational tasks are handled by Ms. Maarit Aarvala and Ms. Taina Kärhä